One of only 7 students representing Illinois 8th - 12th graders at the conference, Madison presented on the "Quality of Drinking Water Locally" during the Illinois Jr Science Fair Presentation portion of the conference in Springfield, IL.
Madison won this opportunity after competing in the 2018 IJAS State Science Fair held at Illinois State University receiving gold in her paper presentation, silver in her poster presentation, and the Junior Water Scientist Outstanding Water Award from the Illinois Section of the American Water Works Association (ISAWWA).
Her presentation, given to an audience of ISAWWA Board Members and guests, focused on testing water quality levels at various different locations across the local area, including her hypothesis as to where the water would be the worst quality, as well as, the impacts of contaminated water sources. Tests measured for multiple conditions including copper, iron, lead, coliform bacteria, chlorine, and more.
ISAWWA Board Members were made up of various engineers and scientists who offered both research and internship assistance to Taylor. In addition to her presentation, Maddie got a private tour of Sugar Creek Water Treatment Plant with the engineer who designed the plant and enjoyed the keynote speaker of the event, Thanet Natisri of Thailand, who helped save the soccer team and coaches that were stuck in the cave in Thailand!
WATERCON brings together utilities, consultants, manufacturers, regulators, students for their mutual benefit through the exhibition, education, and networking events. The focus of WATERCON is to create a learning culture and strategic networking opportunities. The education sessions will provide all participants with various levels of experience, new and creative ideas to implement at their utilities.
Because of her experience, Madison made many new contacts and is very interesting in pursuing an engineering degree in the water industry now! You can download Madison's presentation below.